Dear Cupid, Please tell me why I am not able to find my true love at this age. I am 26 and still I don’t have true love so help me to find one. —Randhir, India, sent via Cupid Mail
Hallo hallo Randhir!
Thank you very much for asking this touching question. This is one of the most popular questions I receive. I know many people will be thankful that you asked.
Normally, I tell humans that the path to finding true love is all about unfolding yourself and discovering the life within you.
That is because when we are busy unfolding ourselves, going within, going on our own adventures, getting to know ourselves, and having fun and passion in life, our true loves (in another person) suddenly show up.
Why is that, might you ask?
Well, that’s because love is an energy and it makes no differentiation whether that’s romantic love, friendship or family love, or love of work, hobbies or play, and the like. So when we are indulging in what we already love, more of what we love shows up!
So no matter who is asking, my answer shall always be the same. To “find” true love, don’t go trying to find it outside of you. Feel the love within you first!
Because when you do that, you’ll know that Love is an energy that is already abundant within you. Love doesn’t come from another person. Love is like air! It is always present and you don’t need someone else to give it to you.
But, if a true love shows up for you in the form of a partner, it’s icing on an already very yummie cake!
I also have some specific guidance for you as well. There is someone significant in your life that is affecting you…an older female figure. Since Cupid Mail is public, I won’t write on here who I feel this is, but if you wanna chat about it, you can email me.
Please know that you never have to get love in order to feel loved or to be loved. That’s because love exists from within you. You are already made of love and it’s already part of you. So you don’t need to get love from the outside whatsoever…just tune into the love already inside!
Your task now is to learn to feel the love within you. If you can’t feel it right now, that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you. It just takes some practice to quiet yourself and feel the love inside. If you need help, pray and ask more of us angels to help you feel love. They will help.
Be sure to let go of other people’s expectations and judgements of you, to discover who you truly are and what you value and cherish about yourself. Remember that you are a light in this world.
It would be a good idea, I feel, to focus on yourself and cultivate your relationship with yourself first before focusing on having someone else come into your life. That way, you will be happy and fulfilled no matter what happens on the outside or in your relationships. You’ll feel strong and stable no matter what.
Allow me to emphasize again that you are lovable now just the way you are. There’s nothing you have to do or get or to become in order to be loved. I promise this is true.
Be your own true love first.
And when the right time comes, more true love (the bonus and icing on the cake) will arrive to share in more and more and more true love with you.
See how this works?
The Universe will never deny you of true love.
I know this may not be what you want to hear but this is the direct path to love and joy in all forms. 🙂
Please come back if you have any more questions. I hope this has helped you!
La la la!
Cupid Mail is my personal opinion and is never professional advice.
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